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Table 3 Characteristics and outcomes of mid-thoracic epidural placement

From: Evaluation of a modified ultrasound-assisted technique for mid-thoracic epidural placement: a prospective observational study


Total (n = 128)


 Estimated skin-to-lamina depth a, cm

3.0 [2.5–3.2], (range: 2.0–4.5)

 Actual skin-to-lamina depth, cm

3.0 [2.5–3.5], (range: 2.0–4.5)

 Skin-to-LOR depth, cm

5.0 [4.5–5.5], (range: 3.5–6.5)

 Needle insertion angles, °


  Upward angulation b, c

61 ± 8, (range: 38–78)

  Inward angulation b, d

10 [8–13], (range: 0–18)


 First-pass success rate e

96 (75%)

 First-attempt success rate f

122 (95%)

 Overall success rate

126 (98%)

 Needling time, seconds b, g

59 [47–122], (range: 28–533)

 Number of needle passes b

1 [1–1], (range: 1–6)

 Number of attempts b

1 [1–1], (range: 1–2)

 Patient satisfaction


  1 (very unsatisfied)



4 (3%)

  3 (neutral)

6 (5%)


26 (20%)

  5 (very satisfied)

92 (72%)

  1. Data are presented as numbers (percentages), means ± SDs with ranges, or medians [IQRs] with ranges
  2. Abbreviations: IQR = interquartile range; LOR = loss of resistance; SD = standard deviation
  3. a The estimated skin-to-lamina depth was measured via a built-in caliper in the ultrasound machine
  4. b Data were not available for two patients with epidural puncture failures
  5. c Upward angulation represents the craniocaudal angulation of the needle in the sagittal plane
  6. d Inward angulation represents lateral to medial angulation of the needle in the transverse plane
  7. e First-pass success, defined as achievement of LOR and successful catheter placement through a single skin puncture with no needle withdrawal and redirection
  8. f First-attempt success, defined as the needle achieving LOR and successful catheter placement through a single skin puncture
  9. g Needling time, defined as the time from epidural needle insertion to successful access of the thoracic epidural space via LOR.