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Table 1 Comparison of the baseline data of patients with sepsis

From: LncRNA HOTTIP as a diagnostic biomarker for acute respiratory distress syndrome in patients with sepsis and to predict the short-term clinical outcome: a case-control study


Total sepsis patients (n = 118)


 Age (year), mean ± SD

54.43 ± 10.07

 Gender, n (%)


52 (44.07)


66 (55.93)

 BMI (kg/m2), mean ± SD

25.36 ± 2.73

 Smoke, n (%)

43 (36.44)


 COPD, n (%)

24 (20.34)

 Cardiomyopathy, n (%)

57 (48.31)

 Chronic kidney failure, n (%)

19 (16.10)

 Cirrhosis, n (%)

27 (22.88)

Primary infection site

 Abdominal infection, n (%)

41 (34.75)

 Respiratory infection, n (%)

27 (22.88)

 Skin and soft tissue infection, n (%)

23 (19.49)

 Bloodstream infection, n (%)

12 (10.17)

 CNS infection, n (%)

6 (5.08)

 Other infection, n (%)

9 (7.63)

Primary organism

 G−, n (%)

65 (55.08)

 G+, n (%)

26 (22.03)

 Anaerobes, n (%)

13 (11.02)

 Fungus, n (%)

7 (5.93)

 Mycoplasmas, n (%)

5 (4.24)

 Total culture negative, n (%)

23 (19.49)

Biochemical indexes

 Scr (mg/dL), median (IQR)

1.9 (1.4, 2.7)

 Albumin, (g/L), median (IQR)

27.2 (23.8, 30.7)

 WBC (×109/L), median (IQR)

17.5 (12.6, 27.3)

 CRP (mg/L), median (IQR)

91.93 (60.88, 143.81)

 PCT (ng/mL), median (IQR)

15.4 (8.9, 21.8)

 Inflammatory cytokines

  IL-1β (pg/mL)

13.8 (8.8, 20.2)

  IL-6 (pg/mL)

70.9 (45.2, 111.9)

  TNF-α (pg/mL)

188.1 (146.6, 233.8)

Disease severity

 APACHE II score, median (IQR)

13.0 (9.0, 18.0)

 SOFA score, median (IQR)

6.0 (5.0, 9.0)

  1. BMI Body mass index, COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, CNS Central nervous system, APACHE Acute physiology and chronic health evaluation, SOFA Sequential organ failure assessment, Scr Serum creatinine, WBC White blood cells, CRP C-reactive protein, PCT Procalcitonin, TNF-α Tumor necrosis factor-α, IL Interleukin