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Table 3 Outcomes of chest compressions for the first 10 min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation

From: The effect of audiovisual feedback of monitor/defibrillators on percentage of appropriate compression depth and rate during cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Total compressions

No feedback period (N = 27,295)

Feedback period (N = 27,965)


Adequate depth and rate

4,584 (16.8)

3,300 (11.8)

< 0.01

Mean compression depth (cm)

6.1 (1.8)

6.7 (1.9)

< 0.01

Compression depth


< 0.01

 < 5.0 cm

7,238 (26.5%)

5,285 (18.9%)

 5.0–6.0 cm

6,035 (22.1%)

4,732 (16.9%)


 > 6.0 cm

14,022 (51.4%)

17,948 (64.2%)


 Mean compression rate (/min)

111.9 (11.2)

112.0 (13.0)


Compression rate


< 0.01

 < 100 /min

2,338 (8.6%)

3,330 (11.9%)

 100–120 /min

20,621 (75.5%)

18,816 (67.3%)


 > 120 /min

4,336 (15.9%)

5,819 (20.8%)


 Mean chest compression release velocity (mm/sec)

371 (125)

426 (130)

< 0.01

Chest compression release velocity


< 0.01

 ≥ 400 mm/sec

10,546 (38.6%)

15,853 (56.7%)

 300–399 mm/sec

8,716 (31.9%)

8,246 (29.5%)


 < 300 mm/sec

8,033 (29.4%)

3,866 (13.8%)


 Return of spontaneous circulation

16 (53.3%)

14 (46.7%)


 ECMO insertion after arrest

2 (6.7%)

6 (20.0%)


 Survival to discharge

1 (3.3%)

0 (0.0%)


  1. Data are presented as mean (standard deviation) or number (%)
  2. ECMO extracorporeal membrane oxygenation